Thursday, April 9, 2020


Everything gets made by changing,
By changes, of changes, everything
As it is in the process of changing,

Which is the only constant, not
As a joke or a wry expression but
That which is constant, enabling

Sameness of any kind—pattern, that is,
Information—to remain, the constant
Fact of changing at all points and measures

Themselves coming into being as change.
What is the same in all the change?
Not even the rates or ways of change,

Only the changes. As everything is only
As it changes, something about everything
Is at all and any points therefore the same,

These phrases, for instance, so familiar
As they come into being, as you encounter
Them, are familiar thanks to their change.

This honey is thick, and some of it sticks
To the knife, some of it sticks in the mind.

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