Monday, April 6, 2020

Every Body Is a Temple of Too Many Little Rooms

“The last room . . . is birdsong.”

The writer without a body
Composes quietly. Bodies
Not so writerly decompose.

How to be calm and utterly
Without fear, to remain cautious
Without concern is your concern.

Because circles are closed, you try
To approach circularity,
To lend symmetry at the close,

But bodies aren’t as circular
As our stories laid out like clothes
On beds with non-declarative

Poems, accessories posed with prose.
You’re saying there’s no symmetry?
Yes. No disembodied beauty’s

Exchanged with nothing left over.
In English there’s a helpful rhyme
Of room with womb and tomb. That’s right.

The engines of human living
And working, digging in the dirt,
Continue to surround this room

In which, dependent on engines,
You want to hear only the birds,
Independent of engines, sing.

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