Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Of Controlling Other Humans

So there it begins, again
And again—it was dark,

And funny, tragic, and stupid,
As were often the rebellions

Against it as well. All fails,
But sometimes succeeds

For a while. The mandate
Of hell. At the moment

One government band
Of brigands among many

Is trying to contain the world.
This has happened before,

And on its very soil, once
Ruled by controllers of waves

Of a different sort than these
Surges of informative suffering

That the latest controllers
Are trying to quell. I could

Name names, name nations,
Name these particular idiots

Determined to determine
The fates of the rest of us

Determined idiots determined
To control our fates ourselves.

But why bother? It’s names
And naming that made us hell.

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