Friday, June 19, 2020

Unusual Utah Juneteenth

“Freedom on paper. Now, freedom for real.”
There will be flag raisings, proclamations,
And a commemoration in Salt Lake.

There will be an online townhall event.
There will be a live-streamed concert event.
Virtual festivals. A caravan.

The displaced, the actual, and the strange
Will articulate this particular
Intersection of people, date, and place.

Once a war is finally won, no one
Knows it happened. In the sun, lives go on
For whom the configurations of force

Have altered beyond all recognition.
Has that ever happened? If any war
In the history of war has ended,

History never entered into it.
Overlooking this desert, imagine
Warriors fighting warriors who have no names.

No names, no memories, no slavery,
No freedom on paper. Freedom for real.
A light wind. Gone again. Bluebirds. A wren.

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