Thursday, June 11, 2020

The Subtleties

“a seeming Silly, but subtil Fellow”

Under the warp, the finest threads—
A useful fabrication for
A beast used to fabricating,

We bend ourselves to making things
Including a world of shadows
Penumbral to the things themselves,

Weird world of all our words for things,
Our technology of meanings,
Meaning—we know how we make things

But don’t know how we shadowed them
With signs. A weaver knows her thread
But couldn’t begin to tell you

How her work wove itself through words
And idioms, while one who knows
Nothing of using warp or weft

May daily and freely deploy,
In one of many languages,
And even in casual cant,

Dozens of interwoven terms
And expressions that once described
Precise textile technologies—

Yet another way words are ghosts,
Wending through living tongues by dint
Of relevance to dead, lost things,

And then, too, these shadows refer
To all our things that never were,
Dream cloaks for God, for Creator.

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