Friday, June 12, 2020

Regnabo, Regno, Regnavi, Sum Sine Regno

My god, how intense,
How physical the desire

To ever so slightly inflect
These events infecting me,

This strong, tiny creature craving
To favorably remake surroundings,

To find what I sense that I need,
Make some space, get the goods,

And somehow keep the peace.
So many tiny creatures all around me,

All possessed by more or less
Identical needs. All busy, busy,

Busy, and weak, like me. Strength,
The strength to shift things, belongs

To teams, teams contesting teams—
It’s tempting, their capacity, to join

Together and intervene. Swaying
On crooked stems, I can imagine

I could be one of the lovely ants
I see transforming the surface

Of the Earth directly, directly
Beneath my feet. It will come to me,

One of these evenings, what to do,
What I have no choice to be doing next,

What the next task has to be. It is
Coming. It is coming. It will come to me.

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