Monday, June 8, 2020

Old Man Overflowing with Phrases

lao qu shi pian hun man yu
Meaning has its own existence.
Names for things that don’t exist
As things can make meanings

That do exist. You should talk
About fairies and God and qi.
“Triple air signs” may be airless,

But as signs they exist, and more
Significantly, as human-shared signs
They’re vortices of meanings that are

Real as meanings, and all meanings,
Including those that swirl around
Measured and experienced things

Such as warm breezes, gene mutations,
And gravity, as meanings, equally exist,
Except insofar as some are older or fading

Or still growing increasingly complex.
The ontologies of meaningful signs
And phrases shimmer over level plains.

Aspects of the most vivid meanings
Of some phrasings are just those aspects
That can only ever exist as meanings—

Visits to the land beyond death,
Conversations with the supernatural
Deity who holds dear your every breath—

And it’s the wild fecundity of meaning
That allows human phrasing to overflow
The arid ontological shorelines

Of the rest of what exists. Meanings
Can be made to exist. We can conjure
Them into existence. As such,

They, and they alone among the masses
And energies of our apparent universe,
Can also be lost. If not poetry, what is?

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