Sunday, June 14, 2020

Flag Day

A sunny Sunday in June,
And in this subdivision
Multiple flags are flying.
Never mind what kind. They’re flags.

We’re pleased with ourselves, they sign.
Has there ever been a worse,
More typically human
Invention than the banner?

Extension of headdresses
And the body ornaments
Worn to look fierce when fighting,
Decorations to declare

We are the Such-and-Such Folk!
We’re proud, and you should fear us!
We’re righteous, don’t dare wrong us!
If the description’s honest,

Even describing this feels
Facilely ridiculous—
False flag, rally round the flag,
Capture the flag, wave the flag—

Scraps of fabric hung from sticks
To say, our team has gathered
Here, we hold this ground, join us,
Run from us, try to take us.

That a cloth should be revered
For the pattern it contains—
Well, it’s not the cloth is it?
It’s loyalty. It’s the call

To stand with some folks against
Others, the enemy flags.
A visual apposite
Odor molecules of ants.

A sunny Sunday in June,
And in this subdivision
One kind of flag is flying.
Ever any other kind?

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