Friday, May 29, 2020

To Choose the Softest Plank

“A mosquito born of a speck of dust
Or a fly born out of a piece of meat,
An eel born of mud” or the word made flesh—
Lie rough on the deck. Choose the softest plank.
Doesn’t matter. The sea will heave you up.

Explanations and quotations only
Go so far, and sometimes observations
Carry them a bit further; other times
They do the extra work of making sense
To some extent, of those observations.

Overhead, the sails of speculation,
All their intricate manifestations
Between full and fully stowed away, furled—
And to the horizon? Waves. Always waves.
Even the quanta are waves, sails whisper.

Sooner or later, this will be over.
The ship will sink to the bottom of dreams
Through the reeds where the invisible eels
Actually breed, spontaneous, if not
Instantaneous, disintegration.

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