Saturday, May 16, 2020


“Who kept on going down a road
When it was clear the way was doomed?”
Who? Anyone living, that’s who,

Any life aware of being
A life hosting an awareness
Huddled in the skull, dreaming doom.

Every life aware of living
Might as well be the last one left,
And will be for that awareness.

Have some sympathy for the lives
That carry this burden with them,
This fragile knick-knack of thinking,

Of having the words to think with,
And all the ghosts that come with them
Of previous lives left thinking.

Life is the road; living’s its doom.
Awareness is a passenger,
Antic, burrowing in the fur

Of what it thinks might be itself,
Of what it thinks is a monster,
But is only a stretch of road

Rearing up and hurling its length 
Repeatedly over the earth,
Just a bit longer, bit further. . .

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