Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Gores for a Small Globe

Try to stay alive until you die.”
This is not easy. This is no joke.
Cut the world into small triangles,

And leave nothing out, nothing without
It’s own patch the same size as the rest,
Whether it’s only empty ocean

Or even terra incognita—
To make a whole, you’ll need every scrap.
On the back of each neat triangle,

Before you brush it with just the right
Glue thickness to adhere but stay smooth,
Write a name for it, identify

Each piece uniquely and, ideally,
Also systematically. You must
Be able to recognize your world

From the back of the map. So name it.
Call this wedge a fiction, that a lie,
This a poem, a verse composition,

That a journal, those aphorisms. 
Choose distinctions that won’t confuse them,
But label them. There are no dragons.

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