Saturday, May 30, 2020

Giant Dandelions

My cottage . . . my gardens . . . my books,
Poor, tipsy, happy Yuanming wrote.
Well alright, just my books. I own

Books, which no bank would want
The bother of repossessing.
All the rest, I rent or borrow.

Even from my books, I borrow.
Really, I don’t own anything,
And least what I own legally.

Ownership’s social permission
Socially enforced—I’ve never
Actually felt in possession

Of anything, not in my bones,
Although I’ve felt as desperate
As a dog gnawing on those bones.

Sitting in this old car I own
(I have the title in a drawer),
I’m very glad I’ve had enough

Forms of permission
To be able to clamber up
To this windy, empty lookout,

To possess these views and this time
Among giant dandelions,
World belonging to no one else.

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