Monday, May 11, 2020

Anything Real Would Include It All

A straightforward mind doesn’t hold much

In reserve,
Incessantly—Not that

It is
Illusion or delusion or
Dreaming necessarily

After all, how would you know
Unless you knew, and knew

What you knew was true? Which
Then would mean no more

delusions for you—
Poor you!

It’s just

That whatever you do with whatever you
Knew or thought

Maybe you knew

Won’t move much
That is true, true?

Oh, the human view—
A few human views
A few future
Billions of human views

That’s been done
That you could do
And well done if you do

Since you haven’t done it yet
Let me be the first to congratulate you!

But you do
Know humans don’t you?
Unless they’re all themselves—

All ourselves—delusions, too
And why not?
Including me including you,

They’re a really, really

Remarkably tiny part of any
Ordinary evening’s after-sunset view

Ah, but then
You knew

What you thought
You really knew
Was really true

The whole
Truth would have to be
Within you and your one

Tiny view

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