Thursday, April 2, 2020

Thirsty Hummingbird

Scenes from someone’s quarantine, no
One you really know or need to know—

Sunning against a cinderblock wall,
Leaning and sunning for literally

As long as a body could stand it, could
Stand thinking how many millions, literally,

Of accounts and depictions and fictions
This rare spring would likely generate

Before the symbolic species moved on,
Dandelions glowing on the watered lawn

Owned by someone or someones unknown,
A spray of widow neighbor’s blossoms

White over the wall, gravel and weeds
Where the wall met the concrete and one

Thirsty hummingbird tempting the cat,
Presumably unaware of being enumerated—

Choices, you suppose. Other scenes were
Left out or held back or held in, held inside.

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