Monday, April 20, 2020

Something Safer, Better, Later

Can you trust it to be better
Than your fantasies, when you must
Assume it will be worse? Can you?

Dreaming is indispensable,
Daydreaming indefensible,
But neither one is credible.

You can believe this is different
From the things you dreamed of being.
Can you call it better or worse?

I am watching sunlight again,
Watching it extend through morning,
Green as the grass it makes golden.

This is a good thing. Is it worse
Than lost dreams of security,
Hermitage, permanent leisure?

You have no idea how to want
More than you have experienced,
Except by amplification.

Would you believe it if I said
This cow pasture, hawk overhead,
Free of me, were enough for me

Now? Yes, I believe you would, now,
But would assume I dreamed, also, 
Something safer, better, later.

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