Wednesday, April 15, 2020


I am one being. In my case,
It could go without noting I

Am also legion, but I need
To assert the surprising thing—

On the whole, I am one being.
I am a traveler, a thing

That likes to discover new things.
Here I am and there I am, joy

In me like in a child’s fable.
I need only to eat and go,

Only to tour, feast, and go on,
But sometimes I get stuck, and then

I can sense I am unwelcome.
As soon as I can I move on.

Harm was never my intention.
I am trying to make something

Of myself, to be as worldly
As I can be, by extension.

I am an avid explorer.
I am a hungry living thing

And I want to go on living.
I have no other intentions,

And, like anyone I visit,
I inhabit a shifting world

To which I can testify, but
Only from my own point of view.

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