Tuesday, March 31, 2020

The Child Born Disabled Looks Back

Yes, I want a medal
For participation
As human in this life,

A ribbon, something bright
To wear before I die.
I lived a human life.

I played and I grew up,
More or less, albeit
Neither straight, strong, nor tall.

I joked, laughed, and goofed off.
I studied and I worked.
I taught and I professed.

I was diligent, daft,
Feckless, reckless, lazy,
Focused, and productive.

I breathed, ate, and got sick.
I fell and fell apart.
I more or less healed up.

I told the truth. I lied.
I was lucky in love
And unlucky in love.

I had a family,
Fell out with family,
And made a family.

I balanced my accounts,
Sometimes, and sometimes failed.
I tuned in and dropped out

And wormed my way back in
Again. I traveled some.
I stayed at home a lot.

I voted, protested,
And paid taxes, except
When I did not. I was

A person, behaviors,
Bacteria, ideas,
Doubts, convictions, the lot.

I pulled words out of books,
Out of my ears, thin air,
Paper bags, empty hats.

So. About that medal.
Gilt’s good enough for me.
And that’s enough of that.

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